How Important is Colostrum to a Newborn Lamb?

Feb 05, 2019

How Important is Colostrum to a Newborn Lamb?

How Important is Colostrum to a Newborn Lamb?

With lambing season in full swing, have you thought about your ewe’s colostrum quality? Colostrum is the "first milk" that a ewe produces after lambing. Colostrum contains a high level of several nutrients that are important for lamb health and performance. Colostrum also contains a high level of antibodies against a variety of infectious agents. At birth, the lamb does not carry any antibodies because antibodies in the ewe's bloodstream do not cross the placenta.

It is critical that lambs receive colostrum during the first 24 hours of life in order to ensure adequate absorption of colostral antibodies. Antibodies are large protein molecules that can cross the intestinal wall and enter the blood stream of the lamb only during the first 24 to 36 hours of life. Absorption of these antibodies is most efficient during the first few hours after birth.

It is recommended that lambs receive 10 percent of the body weight in colostrum by 24 hours after birth. This means that a 10 lb. lamb should consume 1 lb. (16 ounces) of colostrum by 24 hours of age. Ideally, they should consume half of this within 4 to 8 hours of birth.

All lambs need colostrum. While it is possible for lambs to survive without colostrum in a relatively disease-free environment, the likelihood of disease and death is higher in lambs that do not receive colostrum. The ideal colostrum source for supplemental feeding of lambs is from healthy ewes in one's own flock. 

Ewes vary in the quantity and quality of colostrum they produce. Young ewes generally produce less colostrum because they also produce less milk. At lambing, ewes should be checked (stripping the teats) for the quality and quantity of colostrum. Older ewes have had greater exposure to infectious agents and usually have a higher concentration of antibodies in their colostrum.

When inadequate quality colostrum is seen, then you need to source out a high-quality colostrum replacer. Land O Lakes Colostrum Replacer for Kid Goats and Lambs is licensed and tested by the USDA.  Each batch is tested to ensure product meets passive transfer requirements. Making sure lambs build a strong immune system has never been simpler. Set your newborn lamb up for a productive life with LAND O LAKES® Colostrum Replacement for Kid Goats and Lambs.

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