Member Information
Thank you for your interest in becoming a new member. Please complete the appropriate credit application, the W-9 tax form*, sign and date the credit policy page and return these forms to us via mail or e-mail scan to begin the process. Our organization requires that a credit application be submitted for approval along with the proper tax forms to become a member and receive benefits associated with being a part of the cooperative. Should you have any questions or problems through the process, please do not hesitate to call or email us and ask to speak to our credit manager. Additional tax exemption forms are provided for those customers who qualify.
We are a member owned cooperative that is controlled by a board of directors and operated for the benefit of the patrons that we serve. Members in the Cooperative earn equity in Country Visions Cooperative and may receive annual patronage dividends based on the type and amount of products purchased. *Country Visions Cooperative is required to have a completed and signed W-9 tax form on file for all cooperative members who wish to be considered for any patronage distribution. Patron Privacy Notice

Forms and Applications
Documents are provided in PDF format to download, print and complete.