Country Visions is transitioning to paperless statements for active Connect user accounts who are currently receiving a printed statement. As a cooperative, we’re always looking f...
Scholarship Opportunity - Country Visions Cooperative and CP Feeds are offering a total of 33—$1,000 scholarships to area students that are graduating from high school as members ...
Last spring, thousands of our member-owners received a patronage check from Country Visions Cooperative. Recently, 1099-PATR forms were mailed to all members who received pat...
Happy New Year! Wishing you a year filled with success and prosperity!
This week I would like to continue with the discussion of plant genetics with a focus on genetic diversity. Genetic diversity refers to the range of different inherited traits within a ...
The United States early in its history had seen the importance of collecting plant germplasm from this nation and around the world. (Germplasm are living genetic resources such as seeds...
2023 Calumet County Silage Burndown Days
Information on Alfalfa Weevils from Randy Welsh,Winfield United.
The Country Visions Spring Cattle Meeting is a chance to hear from industry experts about how to make an impact on your cattle's nutrition.
The right nutrition early in your kid goat’s life can set the stage for their lifetime performance. Choosing the right milk replacer for your kid goats can be a daunting task. Con...
Lambing is the most important activity that occurs in the sheep flock each year. Success or failure during lambing season is the largest single factor affecting the profitability of the...
Switch laying hens to a complete chicken layer feed when they start laying eggs around 18 weeks of age. Choose a complete layer feed that includes all the essential nutrients lay...
It's time to celebrate Purina Chick Days 2025 at Country Visions Country Stores!
You're invited to attend the 2025 Spring Cattle Meeting presented by Country Visions Cooperative & CP Feeds LLC.
Join us for Flock Talk with Warren Clemens at the Country Visions Sheboygan Falls Country Store on 3-18-2025, 5pm to 6pm to learn about starting your flock and raising healthy chicks.
We invite you to our Chick Sale, Peep Show & Chicktastic Coop Sale presented by Country Visions Country Stores on March 15th, 2025, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM at the Country Visions Brilli...
John and Brooke Kraus are the owners of K&K Homestead in Malone, Wisconsin. They represent the 6th generation of a family that started their farming legacy in 1872. Farming just see...
“Agriculture is food and fiber and somebody has to produce it, but today the biggest challenge is sustaining our environment and how we go about doing that.”
Chad and Joy Kohlman own Kohlman Land & Livestock in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, along with Joy’s parents, Wade and Gail Kleinhans.
There is nothing better than growing up on a family farm according to Mark Steffes. Mark and his wife, Missy, along with their kids, Curtis, Katelynn, and Courtney operate Hillside Dair...