Feeding Programs for Dairy Steers
Mar 07, 2019

Feeding Programs for Dairy Steers:
When looking to feed dairy steers, you should design a feeding program that fits your labor, land, facility and equipment resources.
- Two-stage program: moderate forage or pasture for middle weights, followed by low forage-high corn for heavy weights
- Single-stage program: low forage-high corn from 350 pounds to slaughter
- TMR Feeding or Fence Line/Bunk Feeding
- Advantages: You can feed differing types of feedstuffs. You can observe the steers intakes and overall health on a daily basis.
- Disadvantages: You have higher equipment costs.
- Self-Feeder (Steer Stuffer) Feeding
- Advantages: You have low labor system with minimal equipment costs.
- Disadvantages: You are not observing the animals for intakes and health issues.