Country Visions' Corporate Office Moves to Brillion
Mar 05, 2021

The Country Store in Reedsville and the product warehousing from Whitelaw moved to Brillion in late November. Beginning on March 8th, Country Visions Corporate Office staff will be in their new home office under the same roof as the Country Store and warehousing that are already in operation. The new office address is 1010 W. Ryan Street, Brillion, WI 54110.
Please be aware that effective Monday, March 8th, the building will be closed at the Mill Street location in Reedsville and Country Visions will not be conducting any business from that office. It should also be noted, that our phone system will be redirected on MOnday, March 8th. We expect a smooth transition, but it is possible that we may experience some disruption in service at Whitelaw, Reedsville and Brillion locations.
Later this year, when the shop construction is completed on the adjoining property and the demands of the spring planting season have settled down, the Energy Division of Country Visions will be moving their operations to the Brillion location, too.
“This is an exciting move for Country Visions as we design our operation to meet the needs of our customer long into the future,” stated Steve Zutz, CEO. “If you have any questions about the new location or our services, please call us and we’ll be happy to help. Our phone numbers remain the same, 800-236-4047 or 920-754-4321, and you can continue to use the same email address to contact us or reach out directly to your contact person at the Co-op. We look forward to seeing you at our new location.”