Co-op Month 2019

Oct 31, 2019

Co-op Month 2019
Co-op Month has been celebrated annually in October across the United States for more than half a century. It is a time for cooperative businesses to reflect on their shared principles and to educate others about the value of belonging to a cooperative.
The theme for this year was "‘By the Community and For the Community’. As I was working on some other projects relating to Co-op month, I remembered a conversation that I had with an employee a couple months ago. He mentioned how “cool” it was that not only does the Co-op support our community, but that we also have many of our employees involved in local organizations and groups in our communities.  Many are active participants or leaders in those groups. They participate not for the glory or praise, but because they are willing to get involved and take on responsibilities. It is these same characteristics that exemplify their value as employees of the cooperative. Here is their story: Co-op-MOnth-2019-employee-article

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