Parker & Kyra Glander
Aug 22, 2019

Fair Project Friday
One way to tell if a cow will be an exceptional show project is if she’s outstanding in her field! Parker & Kyra Glander have been working hard with their exceptional dairy animals along with various other fair projects including poultry, wood working, crops, arts & crafts, and photography. Parker has been showing dairy for 7 years. This year he will be bringing his cow named Danica, which he describes as being spunky and a good challenge. This will be Kyra’s 5th year showing and she will be bringing her heifer named Trixie. She describes Trixie as a mellow and nosey heifer, who is always licking her. Both Parker and Kyra started out by participating in the Farmer Bud showmanship, which gives younger children ages 4-8 the chance to start showing cattle.
“Mom grew up on a dairy farm and we spend a lot of time at the farm,” Parker said. “It is still a family run operation.”
Their mom was a big influence in getting the kids started in Farmer Bud and in their current Lima Lites 4-H Club. “Mom was in 4-H her whole life,” Kyra said, “it was something she wanted us to get involved in, too.”
Parker joined the Sheboygan County 4-H program 7 years ago and being in it has helped him make many new friends. It has taught him that working with animals takes a lot of patience and effort. Kyra is going on her 5th year of being in 4-H. She has loved washing and working with her animals throughout the summer. Over her years of showing, she has learned to be very gentle with her animals and that it takes a lot of time and hard work. Early mornings can be a struggle to get up and care for their animals, but the Glanders have learned that they need to overcome the urge to stay in bed if they want to be successful with their 4-H projects.
When it comes to the fair, Parker’s favorite part is getting to hang out with friends and cousins in the dairy barns and being able to check out all the farm equipment. Like many other kids, Kyra’s favorite part is the rides. The fair at Sheboygan County Fair Park runs over Labor Day weekend, August 29th-September 2nd. The Glanders will be showing on Friday and Saturday with the Dairy Showcase Sale scheduled for Monday. Good luck with all your projects Parker and Kyra! #21... To show our support to the next generation of agriculture, Country Visions Cooperative will be giving a snapshot look of youth and their fair projects each Friday.