Bill Wiese

At Wiese Dairy, LLC in Rosendale, WI, Bill Wiese recalls why he became a farmer. He grew up with it and really liked it. As a 10-year-old boy, he started driving tractor and was put in charge of the baling on his family’s farm. Today, Bill Wiese owns the 3rd generation Dairy and Grain operation and farms it along with his wife, Tammy, and son, Nathan. Bill enjoys all aspects of the business from technical planning for the fields to caring for the cattle. He is proud to take care of the land and cattle, doing what is right and good.
Bill doesn’t have air conditioning in his house, but makes sure the barns are cool during the summer, putting the cattle’s comfort before his own. We can assume there has been some joking among the family about that, but they all have embraced the farm life. Tammy does the calf chores and is a Director on the Fond du Lac Agribusiness Council. Their daughter is a kindergarten teacher and brings her class to visit and learn about the farm every year. Their son is involved in the daily operations. Bill is committed to supporting the Agriculture industry as a member of the Country Visions Cooperative Board of Directors, Farm First Advisory Council and Fond du Lac Agribusiness Council. The Wiese family will also be hosting the 2018 Breakfast on the Farm.
What are some of Bill’s enjoyments outside of farming? He shoots pool and is a huge Wisconsin sports fan. As a UW Madison alum, his son typically gets season tickets to Badger games, so they get to go and watch some of the top match-ups.
Thank you, Bill, for your support of the Cooperative. It was a pleasure to feature you in this week’s Farmer Friday and share your story. Best wishes to you and your family.
Farmer #19. To show our appreciation to our producer members, Country Visions Cooperative will be giving a snapshot look of our customers and their operations in this feature each Friday.